Big Moves On The Horizon

Big Moves On The Horizon

With Halloween right around the corner and the short days settling in to long nights, I want to share a few things to look forward to and one or two big announcements. 

The Blox

Guys, in less than two months you might start seeing me on TV. Like actual TV. The Blox entrepreneurship bootcamp reality tv show I participated in February of this year has become available on Prime Video. Season 6 is currently the only season available. I am on season 8.  The biggest and best thing you could possibly do for my business is to go on Prime video, buy season 6, watch it, and give some feedback.  If it succeeds the rest of the seasons will follow. In the mean time, go look at The Blox on Facebook and their social media app and see what its all about because it's changed my life forever and you never know how it could impact yours.

Sponsorship Opportunities

We have already secured 2 new sponsor businesses for next year, with a couple more verbal agreements and several in the crosshairs. We attend a LOT of automotive events and as things continue moving in the right direction we're going to have a lot more going on. If you are affiliated with a local automotive business, ie: Body shop, detailing, wrapping, custom work, mechanic, tuning, etc, please consider stopping in to have a chat.  We produce all of our own content and firmly believe that helping fellow businesses in the community helps us too. We want to bring your finest qualities to light and let everyone know the value your business brings.  


I'm not going to speak too much on this one. I'm going to let this project play out in real time so everyone can see.  I'm very thankful for the few of you that are taking a chance with me, and to the rest: You know where to find me when you begin to see the machine working. 

Featured Drivers

Do you want to be featured on my blog?? If you have a sweet build or something unique or interesting or weird and want to show a lot of people, just let me know and we'll do a photoshoot and you can tell me a bit about it! Want to do rolling shots? Shoot some video? Anything is game.

As more things start happening I will continue to post updates.  We have a winter jacket concept coming out that I hope to get some feedback on, but other than that; Keep your eyes peeled ;)

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